Calculating cyclone density

Import all the necessary libraries

%matplotlib inline
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path

from octant import RUNTIME
from octant.core import TrackRun
from octant.misc import check_by_mask

RUNTIME.enable_progress_bar = True

Define the common data directory

sample_dir = Path(".") / "sample_data"

Data are usually organised in hierarchical directory structure. Here, the relevant parameters are defined.

dataset = "era5"
period = "test"
run_id = 0

Construct the full path

track_res_dir = sample_dir / dataset / f"run{run_id:03d}" / period

Load the data

Load land-sea mask array from ERA5 dataset:

import xarray as xr
lsm = xr.open_dataarray(sample_dir / dataset / "")
lsm = lsm.squeeze()  # remove singular time dimension

Now load the cyclone tracks themselves

tr = TrackRun(track_res_dir)
100.00% [671/671 00:03<00:00]

Classify the tracks

c = [
            lambda ot: ot.lifetime_h >= 6,
            partial(check_by_mask, trackrun=tr, lsm=lsm, lmask_thresh=0.5, dist=50.0),
            lambda ot: (ot.vortex_type != 0).sum() / ot.shape[0] < 0.2,
            lambda ot: ot.gen_lys_dist_km > 300.0,
tr.classify(c, True)
100.00% [671/671 00:23<00:00]
tr.rename_cats(**{"aa": "cat1", "bb|aa": "cat2|cat1"})
Cyclone tracking results
671in total
of which131cat1
of which44cat2|cat1
Data columns lon, lat, vo, time, area, vortex_type

Calculate density

import numpy as np

First, arrays of longitude and latitude are needed to define the grid (1 degree step in this case).

lon_dens1d = np.arange(-20., 50.1, 1)
lat_dens1d = np.arange(65., 85.1, 1)

Cell-based method

The simplest method to calculate cyclone density is to loop over grid cells and sum up tracks’ occurence in each of them. By default, the cell counts are divided by grid cell areas so the units are cyclone (tracks) per \(km^{2}\).

dens = tr.density(lon_dens1d, lat_dens1d)

Here it is assumed that both arrays represent grid cell centres. Otherwise, the density() method should be called with grid_centres=False.

Note that if subset= keyword is not given, the computation is done for all existing categories:

{'cat1': <xarray.DataArray 'point_density' (latitude: 21, longitude: 71)>
 array([[0.      , 0.      , 0.      , ..., 0.      , 0.      , 0.      ],
        [0.      , 0.      , 0.      , ..., 0.      , 0.      , 0.      ],
        [0.000621, 0.      , 0.      , ..., 0.      , 0.      , 0.      ],
        [0.002655, 0.001327, 0.000664, ..., 0.      , 0.      , 0.      ],
        [0.      , 0.      , 0.      , ..., 0.      , 0.      , 0.      ],
        [0.      , 0.      , 0.      , ..., 0.      , 0.      , 0.      ]])
   * longitude  (longitude) float64 -20.0 -19.0 -18.0 -17.0 ... 48.0 49.0 50.0
   * latitude   (latitude) float64 65.0 66.0 67.0 68.0 ... 82.0 83.0 84.0 85.0
     units:    km-2
     subset:   cat1
     method:   cell,
 'cat2|cat1': <xarray.DataArray 'point_density' (latitude: 21, longitude: 71)>
 array([[0.      , 0.      , 0.      , ..., 0.      , 0.      , 0.      ],
        [0.      , 0.      , 0.      , ..., 0.      , 0.      , 0.      ],
        [0.000621, 0.      , 0.      , ..., 0.      , 0.      , 0.      ],
        [0.      , 0.      , 0.      , ..., 0.      , 0.      , 0.      ],
        [0.      , 0.      , 0.      , ..., 0.      , 0.      , 0.      ],
        [0.      , 0.      , 0.      , ..., 0.      , 0.      , 0.      ]])
   * longitude  (longitude) float64 -20.0 -19.0 -18.0 -17.0 ... 48.0 49.0 50.0
   * latitude   (latitude) float64 65.0 66.0 67.0 68.0 ... 82.0 83.0 84.0 85.0
     units:    km-2
     subset:   cat2|cat1
     method:   cell}

The output of TrackRun.density() is an xarray.DataArray with useful metadata and coordinates.

arr = dens["cat1"]
OrderedDict([('units', 'km-2'), ('subset', 'cat1'), ('method', 'cell')])

Of course, these data are not very useful without weighting it by grid cell areas, but it can be retrieved by calling the function again:

dens_nonweighted = tr.density(lon_dens1d, lat_dens1d, weight_by_area=False)

Area weights are calculated by octant.grid.grid_cell_areas() function.

Grid centres vs bounds

Here is what coordinates of the density array look like, e.g. longitude:

<xarray.DataArray 'longitude' (longitude: 71)>
array([-20., -19., -18., -17., -16., -15., -14., -13., -12., -11., -10.,  -9.,
        -8.,  -7.,  -6.,  -5.,  -4.,  -3.,  -2.,  -1.,   0.,   1.,   2.,   3.,
         4.,   5.,   6.,   7.,   8.,   9.,  10.,  11.,  12.,  13.,  14.,  15.,
        16.,  17.,  18.,  19.,  20.,  21.,  22.,  23.,  24.,  25.,  26.,  27.,
        28.,  29.,  30.,  31.,  32.,  33.,  34.,  35.,  36.,  37.,  38.,  39.,
        40.,  41.,  42.,  43.,  44.,  45.,  46.,  47.,  48.,  49.,  50.])
  * longitude  (longitude) float64 -20.0 -19.0 -18.0 -17.0 ... 48.0 49.0 50.0
    units:    degrees_east

Density is calculated assuming these are grid cell centres.

It can be also assumed that lon_dens1d and lat_dens1d are grid cell boundaries.

dens_b = tr.density(lon_dens1d, lat_dens1d, grid_centres=False)

Note how the shape and values of longitude (and latitude) change:

<xarray.DataArray 'longitude' (longitude: 70)>
array([-19.5, -18.5, -17.5, -16.5, -15.5, -14.5, -13.5, -12.5, -11.5, -10.5,
        -9.5,  -8.5,  -7.5,  -6.5,  -5.5,  -4.5,  -3.5,  -2.5,  -1.5,  -0.5,
         0.5,   1.5,   2.5,   3.5,   4.5,   5.5,   6.5,   7.5,   8.5,   9.5,
        10.5,  11.5,  12.5,  13.5,  14.5,  15.5,  16.5,  17.5,  18.5,  19.5,
        20.5,  21.5,  22.5,  23.5,  24.5,  25.5,  26.5,  27.5,  28.5,  29.5,
        30.5,  31.5,  32.5,  33.5,  34.5,  35.5,  36.5,  37.5,  38.5,  39.5,
        40.5,  41.5,  42.5,  43.5,  44.5,  45.5,  46.5,  47.5,  48.5,  49.5])
  * longitude  (longitude) float64 -19.5 -18.5 -17.5 -16.5 ... 47.5 48.5 49.5
    units:    degrees_east